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As product managers and developers, you need to collect feedback for a website to understand customer needs and preferences — it’s crucial for creating successful products. Traditional approaches like surveys and interviews have their place, but innovative methods and tools have revolutionized the way we collect customer feedback.

In episode 5 of The Product Perspective podcast series, hosted by Userback’s Jon Tobin, special guest, Daniel Rae, shared his insights on how to collect customer feedback to maximize success during product development.

In this excerpt Daniel, shares his insights on the most effective ways to gather valuable insights from customers and discusses innovative approaches and tools for collecting feedback, with a focus on web feedback widgets.

Here are five key highlights from Daniel’s experience at the forefront of this space:

01. The power of asking simple questions when you collect feedback for a website

One of the simplest yet effective ways to collect feedback is by asking customers a question directly. This can be done through a phone call, a success meeting, or an onboarding session.

These direct interactions provide an opportunity for customers to share their thoughts, desires, and pain points. By actively listening and engaging with customers, product managers can gain valuable insights to inform product development decisions.

02. Choosing the right tool to collect feedback for a website

a) Session recording tool:

Tools like FullStory and Hotjar offer session recording features that allow product managers to watch session replays of users’ interactions with a website or application.

By observing their actions, product managers can understand user behavior, identify pain points, and make informed decisions for improvement. However, it’s important to note that session replay lacks the sentiment and voice of the customer, which leads us to the next point.

b) Web feedback widget:

Web feedback widgets, such as UserVac or Platforms, provide a platform for customers to share their thoughts and experiences directly within the website or application. These widgets offer customizable forms and survey options, enabling product managers to gather specific feedback on different aspects of the product.

By implementing web feedback widgets at strategic touchpoints, product managers can capture real-time feedback and understand the sentiment and voice of the customer.

03. Timing and context: the key to effective collection of feedback for a website

Innovation in the collection of feedback for a website goes beyond the methods and tools used; it also lies in meeting users at the right time and place. Prompting users for feedback immediately after a specific interaction or task completion ensures the feedback is fresh and accurate.

For example, platforms like Google Meet prompt users to rate their experience at the end of a call. By capitalizing on these moments, product managers can maximize the chances of receiving valuable and actionable insights when they collect feedback for a website.

04. Capture snippets of feedback along the user journey with a web feedback widget

Beyond traditional post-interaction feedback, when they collect feedback for a website, businesses can innovate by capturing snippets of feedback along the entire user journey.

After a user completes a workflow or task, a web feedback widget can pop up, asking for feedback on the experience. This allows product managers to collect feedback for a website on specific interactions, gaining insights into what works well and where improvements are needed. By actively listening and acting on these snippets of feedback, product managers can enhance the overall user experience.

05. Making it easy to collect feedback for a website through innovation

To make feedback collection innovative, it is essential to simplify the process for customers. This includes asking basic questions and offering different types of feedback options, such as NPS, CSAT, and CES.

By making the the process for how you collect feedback for a website seamless and user-friendly, product managers can encourage more customers to participate.

Equally important is the need to act on the feedback received. By acknowledging and responding to customer feedback, product managers demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction, encouraging more customers to provide feedback in the future.


Being able to collect feedback for a website effectively is the cornerstone of successful product development. By utilizing innovative approaches and tools, product managers can gather valuable insights from customers to inform their decision-making processes.

Web feedback widgets, in particular, provide a seamless and direct way for customers to share their thoughts and experiences when you collect feedback for a website. By leveraging the power of timing, context, and snippets of feedback along the user journey, product managers can refine their products and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Ultimately, the key to make it easy to collect feedback for a website and easy to act on that feedback and continuously improve based on customer insights.

How Userback can help you streamline and automate how you collect feedback for a website during product development

Userback is a market-leading platform helping 20,000+ software teams to collect customer feedback and understand what users need so they can build better web applications, faster.

Learn more about how Userback helps you to collect feedback for a website in our platform overview.

Listen to “Championing Customer Feedback: Transforming Insights into Action”

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