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Gathering gold: expert best practices for collecting actionable user feedback

“As a business, you know your customers should be your top priority. If you aren’t meeting their needs, your success—and the future of your business—will be jeopardized. And what’s the best way to find out if your business is delivering what your customers are looking for? It’s simple—ask them.”

Capturing actionable feedback from your users

In today’s competitive landscape, understanding and meeting user needs is crucial for product managers. To accomplish this, collecting actionable feedback from users throughout the product development lifecycle is essential.

In this blog post, we will delve into the best practices for gathering actionable feedback. Designed for product managers in eCommerce, SaaS and web application industries, this article will provide expert insights on the importance of user feedback and guide you through implementing effective strategies and how you can use Userback to capture actionable feedback that can be instantly turned into value to users.

Why it’s gold! The value of actionable feedback

Collecting actionable feedback from users yields invaluable benefits throughout the product development process. First, it enables product managers to better understand user needs, ensuring products are aligned with customer requirements. By incorporating user suggestions and addressing pain points, you can create features that users genuinely value, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels.

Furthermore, actionable feedback allows developers to proactively identify and resolve issues, usability problems, or software bugs. By addressing these promptly, you can avoid displeasing user experiences and improve the overall stability and quality of your product.

Lastly, by actively collecting and acting on user feedback, you establish a transparent and trusting relationship with your user base. Users will appreciate being heard and valued, fostering loyalty and advocacy for your product.

Best practices for collecting actionable user feedback

To collect actionable feedback effectively, it is crucial to implement best practices throughout the feedback collection process. Here are the key strategies to consider:

1. Implementing user feedback channels and tools

To make yourself accessible to users for feedback, establish channels such as chatbots, forums, emails, or support tickets. Providing these avenues enables users to express their concerns and connect with the product team. Additionally, consider implementing user feedback tools like Trello, Jira, or Asana, allowing users to submit feedback directly.

Userback provides an easy, friction-free way for users to provide visual and contextual feedback without leaving the environment of your application. Learn more about Userback’s screen annotation and video feedback features for collecting actionable feedback.

2. Encouraging specific and detailed feedback

When collecting user feedback, encourage users to provide specific and detailed information. This approach helps you gain a deeper understanding of their issues, allowing you to address them more efficiently. Encourage users to provide clear descriptions, include screenshots if applicable and identify the context or scenario in which they encountered the problem.

In addition to allowing users to provide super detailed actionable feedback with screen annotations and video feedback, Userback automatically captures user and session information in the background, so users do not have to worry about providing information about what operating system they’re using or what screen resolution.

Userback’s session replays automatically automatically record user events so you and your you can see exactly what was happening in the lead up to an issue and give developers instantly actionable details.

3. Setting up a systematic feedback collection process

Establishing a systematic feedback collection process helps organize and manage actionable feedback effectively. Automate the process by creating feedback forms that are easily accessible and user-friendly. Ensure that feedback is properly categorized and prioritize issues based on severity or impact.

Userback takes care of it all for you and you can seamlessly incorporate actionable feedback into your existing workflows and processes with off-the-shelf and customizable integrations.

4. Engaging with users through surveys, interviews and usability testing

Directly engaging with users through surveys, interviews and usability testing helps gather actionable feedback. Userback’s surveys are valuable for collecting quantitative data, while interviews and User Acceptance Testing provide qualitative insights. Use these methods to understand user perspectives, pain points and gauge their satisfaction levels.

5. Utilizing analytics and data to understand user behavior

Leverage analytics and data to gain insights into user behavior, preferences and usage patterns. This information guides you in making data-driven decisions and personalizing solutions based on user needs. Assess which features are most popular and understand how users navigate through your product.

Userback’s dashboard and Feature Portal make it easy to centralize all your actionable feedback in one place where users can also vote for the features and fixes that will bring them the greatest value, helping you to prioritize what to focus on next.

Some examples of successful implementation of actionable user feedback

To highlight successful implementation of actionable feedback, let’s examine three well-known organizations:


Airbnb utilizes data analytics to capture user feedback, informing product design, engineering decisions and user experience. They also conduct usability tests to identify areas where users struggle and actively address these issues.


Amazon ensures customer satisfaction by sending surveys to understand users’ experiences with their customer service. The collected data is then used to improve customer service and target specific user problems effectively.


Slack conducts “customer listening sessions” to gather feedback directly from users. These sessions help them understand how users utilize Slack, identify pain points and improve features accordingly.


In conclusion, gathering actionable user feedback is a crucial aspect of product management. By implementing the best practices outlined in this article, such as utilizing user feedback channels, encouraging specific feedback, implementing a systematic collection process and engaging with users through surveys, interviews and usability testing, product managers can create products that meet user needs and expectations.

By actively collecting and acting on user feedback, product managers can increase satisfaction levels, build loyal user bases and drive the success of their products.

A platform like Userback allows you to collect actionable user feedback and use it throughout the development lifecycle in order to meet user needs, increasing customer satisfaction and ultimately growing your business.

Power up your feedback loop with The Ultimate Guide to User Feedback for Product Managers

If you are enjoying this article, you might want to download The Ultimate Guide to User Feedback Management. From collection to closure, this comprehensive eBook highlights what you can be doing to streamline your user feedback processes and better understand what your users need in order to deliver the features they want, faster!

Download the guide
The Ultimate Guide to User Feedback Management for Product managers