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Segment users and do app beta testing faster.

App beta testing

Join over 20,000 product teams streamlining their app beta testing with Userback

Segment users for app beta testing.

Not everyone’s right for app beta testing. Create dedicated segments and trigger Feedback Widgets and In-App Surveys with pinpoint accuracy.

Launch targeted surveys.

Create a User Segment of your app best testing group and trigger surveys at just the right moment to collect feedback on your latest features.

ID usability issues and bugs.

Allow testers to report with visual Annotated Screenshots and video. Enrich every piece of feedback with detailed browser metadata.

Play it back.

Watch full Session Replays from your app beta testing group to deep dive into reported issues and resolve them faster.

“Users leave direct feedback for a specific element that gets directly into your inbox and integrates with project management tools that will help you follow up quickly!”

Nataliya Burdeynyuk


“Useful especially in complex projects. Issues can be communicated and discussed more easily with Userback than by any other means I know of.”

Ralf Longwitz


We’ve got the product content you need…

product-led growth

Episode 11: Unboxing Product-Led Growth: Strategies for Sustainable Expansion

Tune in to this podcast episode on sustainable expansion and learn about user-centric PLG, community building, and fostering conversations for business growth.

Micro Surveys

Webinar Micro Surveys: Small Questions, Big Impact

Uncover the potential of Userback's micro surveys to drive success for product teams in this informative webinar.

product development

Episode 10: Experimentation in Product Development: Crafting a Culture for Success

Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and practical strategies for crafting a culture of success through experimentation in product development.